Gift Ideas for Parents this Holiday Season

Last Updated on November 28, 2023

You spent your whole childhood with them so shopping for a gift shouldn’t be that difficult, right? 

That’s not always the case. Sometimes it’s just tricky knowing what to buy for those who raised you. They seem to have everything they need or they go ahead and purchase whatever they need themselves. 

This doesn’t change the fact that you must get a gift for them. Your best options are to splurge on something they wouldn’t buy themselves or find a unique item they either don’t know about or wouldn’t think to get on their own. 

To make things a bit easier, we’ve compiled the best gift ideas for parents. Mom, Dad, step-parents, in-laws, legal guardians…there’s something for everyone!

Experiences to do with them

Beyond material things, your parents truly love to spend quality time with them. So an easy gift is to find an experience they’d like and book it for the both of you (or the whole family). There might be some fun options locally but if not, you might have to travel to the nearest major city for diverse options. 

Do they love to cook? Check out Cookly’s cooking classes and food experiences that can be found in cities all over the world. Or maybe they just love wine. Find the nearest winery or wine region and book a tasting. How about a painting or pottery class if they’re crafty, a spa day if they’re stressed, or an author’s reading if they love books? Use their interest to drive your choice. 

KROK Mortar and Pestle

If they do love to cook, buying them a tool for the kitchen that they might not have is a great idea. Something like KROK’s handcrafted Thai mortar and pestle is the perfect addition to any kitchen. Maybe they haven’t used a mortar and pestle in the past. This is an opportunity to show them how versatile a tool the mortar and pestle is. Or if they do have experience, it’s always great to update a tool to a better version!

Update their Barware or Bar Glasses

Everybody who likes a cocktail, beer, or even a nightcap can use updated barware or bar glasses. But parents especially. They probably purchased their stuff many years ago, losing a few glasses here and there through the years. Maybe they’ve bought a few one-off replacements on vacation or at a cute store but they’ve never truly replaced and updated everything. Something like this Mixology Bartender Kit comes with all the tools needed to make any cocktail. If you’re going with glasses, you can find mixed drinkware sets like this one from Godinger, a classic set of whiskey glasses, or the perfect beer glass set (depending on their drink of choice). 

Splurge on Baking Pans

Similar to the barware, there’s a good chance your parents already have baking pans and tools. They are also probably many years old with lots of dents and scratches and could really use being updated with high-quality replacements. It would be pretty hard to top Caraway, who has multiple bakeware pieces amongst other cooking tools. Their products have toxic-free ceramic surfaces that are non-stick. Plus, their wide selection of pastel colors are very cute and can fit into any kitchen. 

Hand them an Immersion Blender

These stick-type blenders are a more recent invention and have only gained popularity in the last decade or so. Since it isn’t as bulky as worktop blenders or food processors and can be stuck into any pot or vessel, immersion blenders are a great addition to your parents’ kitchen. Emulsifying sauces and thickening soups are the two most common uses for an immersion blender like this one from Kitchenaid, but you’ll be surprised at how handy this tool will become. 

Make their Glue Gun Cordless

For those parents who love crafty things, there’s a pretty solid chance they own a glue gun. But that glue gun most likely has a long cord that gets easily tangled after years of storing it wrapped around the handle. Recently, they’ve introduced cordless glue guns which will get rid of that tangle and remove a tripping hazard as our parents get older. Some are pretty bulky though so make sure you pick an appropriately-sized option like this one from Calaytaly

Make Chopping Vegetables Easier

Very few people love to prep vegetables. It can be monotonous and time-consuming but is necessary if you’re cooking most dishes. So let’s make it quicker and easier for your parents with an All-in-One Vegetable Chopper that can handle multiple functionalities: dicing, spiralizing, slicing, julienne-style cutting, etc. This one also comes with a food container to catch all the cut-up ingredients and keep the countertop clean. 

Replace their Cooking Utensils

There’s a good chance your parents have old plastic utensils with questionable melt spots all over them. If this is the case (or even if not), maybe it’s time to upgrade their utensils. The Ziruma Kitchen Utensil Set comes with a ceramic holder and a beautiful spoon rest. Made from sustainable acacia wood, these utensils are non-toxic and have large handles for easy and more comfortable handling. The spoon rests smoothly fits under the holder so when your parents aren’t using it, they can save a bit of counter space. Right now, you can use the discount code ZIRU10OFFUS for 10% off until 25 February 2024! (Sponsored Ad)

The good thing is our parents will probably appreciate anything we buy them. But that doesn’t mean we can’t try to get something they’ll really love and get many years of use out of. 

Happy shopping!

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