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Dar tadout

Кулинарные классы О нас Карта
  • Dar tadout
  • Dar tadout
  • Dar tadout
  • Dar tadout
  • Dar tadout
  • Dar tadout
  • Dar tadout
  • Dar tadout

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Dar tadout


О нас
Dar tadout

The workshops, led by a (traditional Moroccan cook) or a Moroccan chef, are provided within the confines of home in small groups (maximum 10 people) around a user-friendly material that can be found in the most simple cuisines. A translator (Arabic / English, Arabic / French) allows to provide all the details of the preparation and cooking. At the end of each workshop, participants enjoy the dishes they have prepared.

Dar tadout

Dar tadout Location

Hay AIT lcadi AIT ourir Marrakech

О нас расказывают

cookly press
cookly press
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