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US$ 51 per orang

Silom Thai Cooking School in Bangkok with Market or Herb Garden Tour

US$ 51 per orang
Waktu mulai
8:45AM, 1:40PM, 5:40PM
4 hours
Min. peserta
1 Peserta
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Termasuk Sorotan

5 dishes
Halal friendly
Local market tour
Make coconut cream
Recipe book
Vegetarian option applicable

Informasi Tambahan


Anda akan menerima konfirmasi ketersediaan pemesanan Anda dalam waktu 24 jam. Setelah dikonfirmasi, harap tunjukkan nomor referensi pemesanan Anda di sekolah memasak.


Full refund will be issued for cancellation made at least 48 hours prior to the activity

Foto Wisatawan

Ulasan Wisatawan

Diverifikasi 526 Ditinjau
We loved the experience! Thanks to the team!
"Amazing thai cooking class"
We really enjoyed our course, the atmosphere, our young teacher who took us to the market and explained everything from culture and how buying a fresh food. I recommend absolutely:)
"Great and colourful experience"
Thank you for that insightful and fun experience. It’s a wonderful allround insight into the Thai Kitchen with all kind of backgrounds and context. And at the end just an amazing taste of the food. Glad to had the chance to participate in your course!
excellent and well organized
"Very good learning"
Very friendly place, well equipped to learn the classics of the Thai food ! I have been recommended from my friend and it was fun and with pleasure to be there. Definitely recommended. Thank you for the lovely experience 🙏🏻
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Titik Pertemuan

Meeting point at the school building 6/14 Decho Road. Easy to search on map with: Luxx hotel Silom, the school is right next to Luxx hotel Silom.

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