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Eat is Moscow

Kochkurse Beschreibung Karte
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  • Eat is Moscow
  • Eat is Moscow
  • Eat is Moscow
  • Eat is Moscow
  • Eat is Moscow
  • Eat is Moscow
  • Eat is Moscow

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Eat is Moscow


Eat is Moscow

We are passionate about the food. Eat is Moscow provides food tasting walking tours and gastro guide assistance in the city. Our mission is to give you a snapshot of real Russia and a taste of the country’s true local cuisine! We invite you to join the fascinating journey into the gastro world of Moscow.

Our main objective is to show visitors what the local people in Moscow really eat. Our customers taste freshly prepared foods from the markets, cafes and food shops across the city — and they learn about how each item is prepared, its history, and its importance and role in local culture. By the end of our tours, you are full up and happy, and you’ve learned something you can share with your friends back home.

Eat is Moscow

Eat is Moscow Location

Moscow, Russian Federation

Bekannt aus

cookly press
cookly press
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